Frequently Asked Question

Why can’t I send emails?
Last Updated 2 years ago

here can be many reasons why you are unable to send emails.
If you cannot receive or send emails, please check your Internet connection, make certain that all the details are correct in your mail client (including user name, password, and mail servers), see whether or not your mailbox is full, or review the status of your domain name.
If you can receive emails, but not send emails, try the following steps:

The emails you send

If your emails are coming back to you rather than being sent, check that you have the email address in the To: field correct. Or if you have attached files to the email, make certain they are smaller than 20MB, as our attachment limit is 30MB and adding files to an email causes the file size to increase

The Outgoing Mail server

Your Outgoing Mail Server should be mail.[domain], where you replace [domain] with your domain name. So, for example, if your domain is, your Outgoing Mail Server would be

If there is a problem with the domain name, the mail servers hostname can be used instead. If you cannot find this, ask our support team to provide it for you.

The Authentication

Your Outgoing Mail Server should be set up to authenticate using your password. If any option which enables Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is turned on, try turning this off.

The SMTP Sever Port

We encourage the use of port 587 for sending emails, if you are unable to use this port, try port 465.

Sending on port 25 is not permitted.

The Other software on your computer

If you have a strong firewall or anti-virus program on your computer or network, it may be blocking emails from going out. Try turning it off, sending out a test email, and then turning it back on. If the email can get through, then review the support information given for your firewall or anti-virus program and see if there is a way around it.

Your ISP

Some Internet Service Providers (ISP's) may block certain ports used for SMTP, such as 587 or 465, which we use. You should ask your ISP if they block these ports if you are encountering issues.

Still can’t send emails?

If you're still having difficulties getting emails to send, contact our support team. When contacting us ensure that you provide as much detail as possible, and be sure to include any error messages that are being returned

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